Browse posts tag by 2019 Northern Europe

July 6th Sea Day

July 6th Sea Day
As we sleep, our ship heads north through the Irish Sea between Ireland and Scotland, then into the Atlantic. Cathy awakens early (it’s already getting light very early), [four AM! Couldn’t get back to sleep so went up to Horizons for a cappuccino and croissant, very nice way to start the day, so peaceful] and Steve follows around 7:00am or so. The ship is traversing the Inner Seas that run between the Inner Hebrides Islands and

July 5th Dublin and Nautica

July 5th Dublin and Nautica
A very long night’s sleep was very much in order. Unfortunately, Cathy awakens at 6, and has to wait until 8 for Steve. She has taken a shower and is ready to go. Steve, however, first has to have an adventure with the shower. He stumbles into the small but nicely appointed bathroom to take a shower. The shower itself is one of those where the shower head is attached to a hose so you can hold

July 4th Dublin, Ireland

July 4th Dublin, Ireland
NOTE BEFORE WE START: For whatever reason, it takes an interminable amount of time to load photos to this blog site. So until such time as we have faster Internet service, my goal is to load photos on Facebook to accompany each post. We wander through the big, beautiful Dublin airport, clear immigration easily and collect our bags. No customs clearance. Twenty-minute cab ride to Cassidys Hotel in the center of Dublin.  Cassidys Hotel is a

July 3rd Hartford to Dublin

July 3rd Hartford to Dublin
Well, we are off on another Oceania Cruises adventure. This one begins in Dublin, Ireland and, thirty days later, ends in Southampton, England. We will visit the Shetland Isles in Scotland, seven towns and cities in Norway to and from three places in northern Russia, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Helsinki, St. Petersburg, Russia, Tallin, Estonia, a couple of small towns in Sweden and Denmark, and end up docking in Southampton on August 4th. Then we fly to Dublin,