September 7, 2022 Northern Lights

We have been hoping to catch a glimpse of the Northern Lights ever since this cruise began. As good as our luck with the weather has been, an opportunity to do so has eluded us …. until tonight.

As the weather forecast this evening has been positive that the clouds would not be there to interfere, Steve ventures up to Deck 11 to join at least 75 fellow passengers to see if our patience will be rewarded.

At around 10:45, there appears some pale green light in the western sky. In a minute, it becomes obvious that, indeed, we are looking at the Northern Lights. 

Now, this is not a brilliant display, the shimmering curtain of legend, but there it is. For the next half hour, we all scan the skies and marvel at this astronomical marvel. 

Alas, it does fade, and, slowly but surely, so does the crowd, including Steve. But we have seen the Aurora Borealis with our own eyes!

Our day is complete. A goal for this trip accomplished.

Nothing more needs to be said. These few photos will suffice.