Maputo, Mozambique on February 15th

We have been on the move since Cape Town, South Africa.  We are in need of some down time.  We figure that when we get to Maputo, Mozambique at 8:00am, all we have is a 2-hour walking tour of the city at 9:30 and we can call the rest Cathy and Steve’s Sea Day right at the dock.  Sounds like a plan.

But the plan doesn’t quite work out.  On our way from Richards Bay to Maputo, apparently Insignia runs into unexpected weather.  45 knot headwinds, and those headwinds are kicking up 12+ meter waves that come nearly straight at our bow.  When we awaken, we are far from our destination.  Around 8:00, our tour director comes on to explain that we will not arrive until 9:30.  Our tour is set back to 10:30.

The ship arrives at 10:00, and our tour is to commence at 11:00.  The weather forecast is for the temperature to be 97 degrees Fahrenheit but 53% humidity.  We waver.  Cathy says she is not going on the excursion.  There isn’t a cloud in the sky. The lateness of the hour means the full 97 degrees will be on our heads, we have been doing excursions or trips for seven days in a row, and she doesn’t have the MoJo.

Steve needs one more convincer before he falls in line with Cathy.  She shows him this little blurb in today’s Currents entitled Souvenirs From Mozambique: “In order to reduce the number of large insects and spiders which might be brought back onboard we ask you to declare any souvenirs made from wood or animal skin etc. to the Security at the gangway as you return onboard.  For your own comfort these items will be collected, inspected and then delivered to your stateroom…”

Hmmm.  We’re exhausted.  Check.  It’s almost 100.  Check.  The souvenirs could be alive with critters.  Check.  Check.  Check.  Time for a day off.

So we do practically nothing and miss out on walking around Maputo Mozambique.  In a way, it’s a shame because these countries are interesting and we did come all this way.  Because the ship is late coming in, we won’t shove off until 4:00pm.  It’a actually closer to 5. (The photo at the head of this post is all we see, and it’s taken when we leave)  I can’t remember how we filled the hours, but that means it was time to recharge for sure.  Tomorrow is a Sea Day too.  Just in time.