Sea Day on May 8th

Sea Day on May 8th

Tomorrow we dock in Sydney and we already anticipate a very busy day.  So today is catch-up day.  But first Steve has to say good-bye to Shobraj Bachar, or Sho, who has been his personal trainer for the past four months.  Sho must return to his home in Mumbai, India to get some kind of medical recertification that is a requirement for his job on Oceania.  This was unexpected, but unavoidable too.  So he is leaving the ship tomorrow and has been assigned to another ship for his next contract.  Signing up for his help to get in shape and continue the shoulder rehab after rotator cuff surgery was the smartest thing Steve has done in a long time. I’ve talked to some of his other clients and we all will miss him a lot.  Not only is he good at his job, but he is a fine person as well. His picture heads up this post.

Our only must-see activity is Peter Croyle’s lecture on Sydney, which is at 11:00am.  It is excellent as always, full of insight and history.  He is leaving the ship tomorrow and will rejoin us in Honolulu.  We both have gotten so much out of his Enrichment Lectures, and we look forward to his return.

Steve writes the Brunei post today.  It’s a fairly long one because 1) the place was so interesting and 2) we did such an interesting excursion.  This takes a few hours to complete, because it has to include research and pictures as well as a rundown on the day.

That evening we meet Kari and Larry Noomen in the Terrace Café.  We sit at a table right in the stern because it is a beautiful night and the sea has calmed down.  It is Australian Food Night, and we have an opportunity to try some really yummy Aussie food.  Steve has Jack-something stew (made with lamb) and a meat pie.  Real comfort food.