Sea Days on May 1st and May 2nd

Sea Days on May 1st and May 2nd

The next two days are spent crossing the top of the continent/country of Australia.  The seas are fairly choppy, and there are even times when attending Peter Croyle’s lecture, which take place in Insignia Lounge in the bow of the ship, seems like a bad idea.  But that is always a gametime decision.

And of course it is well that we do end up attending the one on May 1st as it is full of wonderful information about Cooktown and Cairns, our next two stops.  Cooktown is located on the eastern coast of Cape York, which is the northernmost point of land in Australia.  Cairns is 328 kilometers south of there.  Both of the localities are opposite the Great Barrier Reef.  Part of their shared history, Peter tells us, is the Australian Gold Rush of the 1860s and 1870s which put both communities on the map.

Between April 30th and May 1st, we move the clocks ahead by another hour.  We think that puts us thirteen hours ahead of home, but are starting to wonder if we have that right.

In reconstructing how the heck we passed the time these two days, we turn to the daily Currents ship newspaper.  Other than Cathy’s note that, on May 2nd, she goes to the Canyon Ranch SpaClub for a Seaweed Scrub, there are no other clues as to how we spent our time.  According to the blog site, Steve wrote a post about three previous Sea Days and also substantially created a long post on Manila.

Without verification, we know that we ate lots of wonderful food, because we do that every day on this ship.   Here are some pictures of the food …. because we have no other photographic evidence of being on this ship other than that.  🙂

Lemon meringue tart.

Regular pie AKA pecan pie

Lemon mousse with raspberry coulis

Steve took one photo of the sunrise on May 1st.  It will serve as the intro to this post, and sort of characterized just how quiet these two days must have been.  So we will end here.


1 Comment

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    Pat Kohl

    May 19, 2018

    You just had to go and take photos of desserts! My mouth is watering like crazy, and my sugar cravings are in overdrive!