Sea Day on March 6th

We have left Cochin, India, and so I chose a photo of an Indian family on one of the house boats we saw on the canals near Alleppey.  The Indian people are so friendly and so polite that I thought it represented what we experienced there.

We have since rounded the southern tip of the country and have headed up through the strait the separates Sri Lanka from India.  From there we will cross the Bay of Bengal to Myanmar.  These are quiet days, and obviously I will fill them with writing, editing photos and the like.  I am writing several days later, and so these will be as short as my memory.

These Sea Days are a chance to get recharged.  The heat and humidity we experienced in India are very draining to those of us unaccustomed to it.  Cathy has been looking around at the buildings and sees scant evidence of air conditioning, most especially in the residences.  Or the public buses.  In India, these buses are open – there are no windows at all.

Thank God the tour buses are air-conditioned.  We western weenies couldn’t take being without it.  I have looked over the daily Currents for this day to see if reading it would jog my memory, as I am writing the post about March 6th about five days later.  I have not see a single thing in it that we attended.  That’s a pretty good sign that this post should end.  See you tomorrow.