Cape Town, South Africa on February 8th

Insignia leaving Cape Town without us

Well, we have had another great high altitude adventure here in Cape Town, but as we write this, we are within a hour of leaving the Radisson Blu Hotel here and boarding the Rovos Rail train that we will be on for three days.

The picture at the beginning of this post is our ship Insignia sailing out of Cape Town without us.  It was taken from our hotel room.  It was a very strange feeling indeed watching our “home away from home” leaving without us.

Our internet usage will be severely curtailed as a result because there is no 110 Volt current available on the train for us to recharge our electronics.

We will be in Durban, South Africa on February 13th and will try (probably in vain) to catch up on our posting then.

Thank you for reading these posts.  It means a lot to us to have a chance to share our journey with you and we are honored you are with using spirit along the way.


  • avatar


    February 10, 2018

    Wait. This is the last post?!!?? Keep writing and post them later! How else can I live vicariously?

  • avatar

    Pat Kohl

    February 10, 2018

    Ohhhh nooooo!!! I will have post withdrawal!!!

    • avatar

      Steve and Cathy

      February 14, 2018

      Ha Ha. We are back and did post about two more days in Cape Town. We are going to have two Sea Days tomorrow and the next day. Gotta catch up!

  • avatar


    February 10, 2018

    Enjoy the train!!!.. the Insignia is currently S 34′ 30′.03.23 EO 23’04’51.24,,, they are waving and will sleep in your room tonight!!,,,, be safe…

    • avatar

      Steve and Cathy

      February 14, 2018

      Thanks, Eddie. We are back on the ship, safe and sound … and a few pounds heavier. We had a great time. Tons of eating and drinking at every meal. Will be writing about it soon.

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    Nancy Benson

    February 14, 2018

    I just caught up with your posts! Looking forward to hear about the train excursion.